About AWWY


Are We Web Yet – or AWWY (pronounced a-we?) for short – tries to answer the question: Can I use Rust to do web development (yet)?

How to use the site

This website has various features that make your life easier researching whether you can use Rust for the web development already or not. While some stuff is possible already, other parts are still challenging and this website wants to give you insight for your particular case. The easiest is to start looking into the topics most relevant for you.

While most things should be rather quick to comprehend, there are some features, we'd like to explain to you a little deeper to improve the speed with which you can answer the question for you.

The Package Info

Package Info

For each package we list the most important information in one quick view. Aside from the package id (hyper), the header shows various links – if available: the crate.io-page, the homepage, the documentation and to the source code. Tip: When you hover over name, it also shows when the package was created and last updated.

In the second row features the latest published version number, how often the package has been downloaded so far and how it is licensed – all as pretty badges of live data pulled from shields.io.

Under that you can find the short description provided for that package.

Understanding the level indicator

Throughout the app – mostly on section titles – you find the small level indicators: a colored glyph, which should give you a hint on the maturity of the subject overall as designated by the curators. The following indicators are available:

If you need a reminder, you can also just hover over the glyph to get the text.


This project is hosted and largely developed by The Bashy, specifically Benjamin Kampmann. The content is curated by the curators. The first version was developed and hosted by Chris Morgan. All content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (International).